University of California

Liquid baits control Argentine ants sustainably in coastal vineyards


Monica L. Cooper
Kent M. Daane
Erik H. Nelson
Lucia G. Varela
Mark C. Battany
Neil D. Tsutsui
Michael K. Rust

Authors Affiliations

M. L. Cooper is Staff Research Associate, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley; K.M. Daane is Cooperative Extension Specialist, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley; E.H. Nelson is Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley; L.G. Varela is Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Advisor, UC Statewide IPM Program and UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Sonoma County; M.C. Battany is Farm Advisor, UCCE San Luis Obispo County; N.D. Tsutsui is Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley; M.K. Rust is Professor, Department of Entomology, UC Riverside.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 62(4):177-183. DOI:10.3733/ca.v062n04p177. October 2008.

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Liquid ant baits are an alternative to broad-spectrum insecticide sprays conventionally used to control Argentine ants. We review the development of liquid ant baits, which capitalize on the ants' sugar-feeding requirements and social structure to deliver small doses of toxicant throughout the colony. The ant bait program described here, developed for commercial vineyards, also has the potential to facilitate the use of biological controls for mealybug and scale pests. The implementation of an Argentine ant bait program will enable grape growers to target other pests more selectively with insecticides, further contributing to their sustainable viticulture practices.


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Cooper M, Daane K, Nelson E, Varela L, Battany M, Tsutsui N, Rust M. 2008. Liquid baits control Argentine ants sustainably in coastal vineyards. Hilgardia 62(4):177-183. DOI:10.3733/ca.v062n04p177
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