University of California

Almond advertising yields net benefits to growers


John M. Crespi
Richard M. Sexton

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Hilgardia 55(1):20-25. DOI:10.3733/ca.v055n01p20. January 2001.

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This study evaluates the economic impacts of advertising and promotion expenditures funded under the almond marketing order. Over the crop years 1962/63 through 1997/98, the correlation of industry promotion and demand was positive and statistically significant. Almond advertising has yielded marginal benefits between $3 and $10 per dollar spent. The 1994/95 through 1996/97 suspension of the promotion program reduced grower profits in the range of $88 million to $231 million during the suspension period.


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Crespi J, Sexton R. 2001. Almond advertising yields net benefits to growers. Hilgardia 55(1):20-25. DOI:10.3733/ca.v055n01p20
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