University of California

Animal Ambassadors…4-H teens learn to lead science program for kids


Martin H. Smith
Richard P. Enfield
Cheryl L. Meehan
Donald J. Klingborg

Authors Affiliations

M. H. Smith is Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist, Veterinary Medicine Extension, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis; R.P. Enfield is 4-H Youth Development Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension, San Luis Obispo County; C.L. Meehan is Post-Graduate Researcher, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis; D.J. Klingborg is Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Associate Dean of Extension and Public Programs, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 58(4):209-212. DOI:10.3733/ca.v058n04p209. October 2004.

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To improve science literacy among school-age children in the United States, educators must receive effective training and support, and children must be engaged in science at a young age. Animal Ambassadors is a science-education outreach program of the UC School of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Medicine Extension, which focuses on the awareness and understanding of animal-related concepts and emphasizes important critical thinking and life skills. Through a collaboration with UC Cooperative Extension's San Luis Obispo County Youth Development Program, an Animal Ambassadors research project showed positive outcomes relative to interrelated goals involving teen training and youth science literacy.


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Smith M, Enfield R, Meehan C, Klingborg D. 2004. Animal Ambassadors…4-H teens learn to lead science program for kids. Hilgardia 58(4):209-212. DOI:10.3733/ca.v058n04p209
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