University of California

Racing for crabs… Costs and management options evaluated in Dungeness crab fishery


Christopher M. Dewees
Kristen Sortais
Matthew J. Krachey
Steven C. Hackett
David G. Hankin

Authors Affiliations

C.M. Dewees is Sea Grant Marine Fisheries Specialist, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, UC Davis; K. Sortais is Research Associate, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, UC Davis; M.J. Krachey is Graduate Student, Department of Economics, Humboldt State University; S.C. Hackett is Professor, Department of Economics, Humboldt State University; D.G. Hankin is Professor, Department of Fisheries, Humboldt State University.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 58(4):186-189. DOI:10.3733/ca.v058n04p186. October 2004.

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Dungeness crab support a valuable commercial fishery in California, yet in recent decades the fishery has intensified significantly, with most crab landed during the first 6 weeks of the 7-month season. This study of fishermen's operating costs and their opinions of new management measures is intended to support discussions and decision-making about policy changes that may affect the economics of the fishery. Our survey results show that a majority of fishermen have favorable views of only two of 12 alternative measures (one trap-limit for all size vessels and daylight-only fishing). However, opinions of these measures vary between owners of different-sized vessels. Experiences in other crustacean trap fisheries around the world suggest that simply implementing these two measures may not significantly decrease total trap numbers fished or slow the race for crab.


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Dewees C, Sortais K, Krachey M, Hackett S, Hankin D. 2004. Racing for crabs… Costs and management options evaluated in Dungeness crab fishery. Hilgardia 58(4):186-189. DOI:10.3733/ca.v058n04p186
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