Davis school program supports life-long healthy eating habits in children
Heather GrahamGail Feenstra
Ann M. Evans
Sheri Zidenberg-Cherr
Authors Affiliations
H. Graham is Research Assistant, Department of Nutrition, UC Davis; G. Feenstra is Food Systems Analyst, UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program; A.M. Evans is Nutrition Education Consultant, California Department of Education, Nutrition Services Division, Sacramento; S. Zidenberg-Cherr is Cooperative Extension Nutrition Science Specialist, Department of Nutrition, UC Davis.Publication Information
Hilgardia 58(4):200-205. DOI:10.3733/ca.v058n04p200. October 2004.
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The school environment can positively affect students in areas beyond traditional academic achievement. An innovative program in Davis, the Farm to School Connection, sought to promote the development of life-long healthy eating habits in children and to create a school environment that made connections among the school garden, cafeteria and classroom, and linked them to local agriculture. This comprehensive program included farmers' market salad bars, classroom education, farm tours and waste management. We evaluated the effectiveness of the program via interviews and surveys of program leaders, teachers and school staff. Participation in the school lunch program increased with the addition of the salad bars, and numerous partnerships developed among those involved. Components of the Farm to School Connection provide evidence to support comprehensive school nutrition programs and the positive impact they can have on the school environment.
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