University of California

Mass releases of wasps can reduce damage from codling moth


Nick Mills
Sarah Mansfield
Sandra McDougall
Rick Buchner
Kathy Kelley
Bill Krueger
Bill Olson
Russ Stocker
Janet Caprile
John Edstrom
Rachel Elkins
Janine Hasey
Carolyn Pickel

Authors Affiliations

N. Mills is Associate Professor and Associate Entomologist, UC Berkeley; S. Mansfield is Graduate Student; S. McDougall is former Graduate Student, Division of Insect Biology, UC Berkeley; R. Buchner, is County Directors and Farm Advisors, UCCE Tehama, Glenn and Butte counties, respectively; K. Kelley is UCCE Farm Advisors, Contra Costa, Colusa, Lake, Sutter-Yuba and Stanislaus counties, respectively; B. Krueger is County Directors and Farm Advisors, UCCE Tehama, Glenn and Butte counties, respectively; B. Olson is County Directors and Farm Advisors, UCCE Tehama, Glenn and Butte counties, respectively; R. Stocker is Pest Control Operator, ARENA Pest Management, Davis; J. Caprile, is UCCE Farm Advisors, Contra Costa, Colusa, Lake, Sutter-Yuba and Stanislaus counties, respectively; J. Edstrom, is UCCE Farm Advisors, Contra Costa, Colusa, Lake, Sutter-Yuba and Stanislaus counties, respectively; R. Elkins, is UCCE Farm Advisors, Contra Costa, Colusa, Lake, Sutter-Yuba and Stanislaus counties, respectively; J. Hasey is UCCE Farm Advisors, Contra Costa, Colusa, Lake, Sutter-Yuba and Stanislaus counties, respectively; N. Mills is Associate Professor and Associate Entomologist.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 54(6):22-25. DOI:10.3733/ca.v054n06p22. November 2000.

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Mass releases of commercially produced Trichogramma wasps can be used to reduce damage from codling moth by 60% in walnut and pome fruit orchards in California. Results from field trials indicate that release rate and evenness of distribution are important factors influencing the effectiveness of wasp releases, and that damage reduction is more effective in walnuts and pears than in apples. Because the environmental risks of large-scale releases of Trichogramma wasps are likely to be small, wasp releases could be integrated with pheromone-based mating disruption for effective management of codling moth.


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Mills N, Mansfield S, McDougall S, Buchner R, Kelley K, Krueger B, Olson B, Stocker R, Caprile J, Edstrom J, Elkins R, Hasey J, Pickel C. 2000. Mass releases of wasps can reduce damage from codling moth. Hilgardia 54(6):22-25. DOI:10.3733/ca.v054n06p22
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