How will the Central Valley economy grow?
Ted K. BradshawAuthor Affiliations
T.K. Bradshaw is Assistant Professor, Human and Community Development Department, UC Davis.Publication Information
Hilgardia 54(1):41-47. DOI:10.3733/ca.v054n01p41. January 2000.
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The Central Valley's economy is becoming increasingly bifurcated, with a new economy overlaying the traditional agricultural economy. Two distinctive economic forces are responsible for this transformation of the Valley's indigenous agricultural economy. The first is the continuing development of agriculture from commodity production to more specialized, integrated clusters of agricultural industry. The second is the emergence of nonagricultural industries, based on industries such as information technology and biomedical supplies. The health of the Valley's economy will continue to rest heavily on production agriculture, which supports many related businesses. However, the lack of workers possessing skills needed for the newer nonagricultural jobs may limit progress in Valley communities.
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