University of California

UC must take lead in curricula reform, teacher training


Mary V. Price
Richard A. Cardullo

Authors Affiliations

Price has served as Chair and participant in curriculum-reform committees. Cardullo is involved in a variety of outreach activities to area schools.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 54(1):56-62. DOI:10.3733/ca.v054n01p56. January 2000.

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California, once reputed to have the best public education system in the nation, finds itself ranked at or near the bottom at the end of the 20th century. Traditionally, the University of California has not been deeply involved in K-12 education, but the social and economic cost of an undereducated work-force in a global economy makes it imperative that all segments of California's system of higher education — including UC — get involved. The University can directly improve our public schools through outreach programs. At the same time, UC needs to improve its own curriculum, particularly in science and mathematics, and especially for prospective teachers. To prepare graduates for an increasingly technological world, curricula must be more interdisciplinary and inquiry-based, for science and for nonscience majors alike By breaking down traditional barriers that have prevented UC faculty from participating in curriculum reform efforts, UC can play a leadership role in providing Californians the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the next century.


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Price M, Cardullo R. 2000. UC must take lead in curricula reform, teacher training. Hilgardia 54(1):56-62. DOI:10.3733/ca.v054n01p56
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