Feasibility of producing pear wine: Pears produce premium sparkling wine
Glenn T. McGourtyChristian E. Butzke
Authors Affiliations
G.T. McGourty is Viticulture and Plant Science Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension, Mendocino and Lake counties; C.E. Butzke is UCCE Enology Specialist and AES Enologist in the Department of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis.Publication Information
Hilgardia 52(6):31-36. DOI:10.3733/ca.v052n06p31. November 1998.
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Pear growers and packers continue to need profitable market channels for fruit that is not packed for fresh market or canned. Off-grade fruit that is designated for the juicing market frequently gives growers and packers poor returns unless there are significant shortages of fruit juice concentrates in the marketplace. Finding a use for these fruit in the creation of a higher priced, value-added premium product could greatly strengthen the performance of this segment of the pear market and at the same time use the off-season production capacity of sparkling wineries. Our experiments demonstrate that an ultrapremium-quality cider can be made from juice grade Bartlett pears. Pear fruit should be ripe for optimum flavors and aromas.
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