University of California

Native gray ant has beneficial role in peach orchards


Jeffrey W. Dlott
Kent M. Daane

Authors Affiliations

J.W. Dlott is Senior Researcher, Dlott & Associates Consulting, Santa Cruz; K.M. Daane is Associate Specialist, Center for Biological Control, Division of Insect Biology, Department of ESPM, UC Berkeley (stationed at the Kearney Agricultural Center in Parlier).

Publication Information

Hilgardia 52(6):25-30. DOI:10.3733/ca.v052n06p25. November 1998.

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The effectiveness of resident insect predators as biological control agents of peach twig borer was tested in a series of field experiments. Results showed that the native gray ant was the most common and effective generalist predator. Treatments with native gray ant present had significantly lower peach twig borer abundance and peach shoot damage. Ant population densities were studied in seven commercial orchards. Results showed that although this ant is found in most peach and nectarine orchards, its abundance was not clearly associated with any single cultural practice and may be difficult to manipulate.


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Dlott J, Daane K. 1998. Native gray ant has beneficial role in peach orchards. Hilgardia 52(6):25-30. DOI:10.3733/ca.v052n06p25
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