University of California

Thinning Granny Smith apples chemically


Warren C. Micke
Joseph A. Grant
Maxwell V. Norton
James T. Yeager

Authors Affiliations

Warren C. Mickeand James T. Yeager are Extension Pomologist and Staff Research Associate with the Department of Pomology, University of California, Davis; Joseph A. Grant is Cooperative Extension Farm Advisors in San Joaquin; Maxwell V. Norton is Cooperative Extension Farm Advisors in Merced counties.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 45(1):30-32. DOI:10.3733/ca.v045n01p30. January 1991.

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Chemically thinning Granny Smith apples improved fruit size and, perhaps more importantly, increased return bloom the following year. While carbaryl did the best job of chemical thinning, two other registered materials were also effective.

Micke W, Grant J, Norton M, Yeager J. 1991. Thinning Granny Smith apples chemically. Hilgardia 45(1):30-32. DOI:10.3733/ca.v045n01p30
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