University of California

Spring and summer nitrogen applications to Vina walnuts


William F. Richardson
Roland D. Meyer

Authors Affiliations

William F. Richardson is Farm Advisor, Tehama County; Roland D. Meyer is Extension Soils Specialist, Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California, Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 44(4):30-32. DOI:10.3733/ca.v044n04p30. July 1990.

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Walnut yield responses to nitrogen applied in spring or fall, or split between spring and fall varied in an experiment on deep alluvial Columbia soil. Leaf and twig nitrogen responded most to recently applied nitrogen. Matching the crop's rate of nitrogen removal with the nitrogen application rate and monitoring plant nutritional status with leaf analysis should contribute to economical, environmentally sound walnut orchard management.

Richardson W, Meyer R. 1990. Spring and summer nitrogen applications to Vina walnuts. Hilgardia 44(4):30-32. DOI:10.3733/ca.v044n04p30
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