University of California

Potential pesticide use cancellations in California


Michael W. Stimmann
Mary P. Ferguson

Authors Affiliations

Michael W. Stimmann is Statewide Pesticide Coordinator, UC DANR, based at UC Davis; Mary P. Ferguson is Special Assistant for Microbial Pesticide Registration for IR-4, a nationwide program to support the registration of pesticides on minor crops, and is also based at UC Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 44(4):12-16. DOI:10.3733/ca.v044n04p12. July 1990.

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Abstract Not Available – First paragraph follows:

Increasingly, pesticide registrations are being rescinded by state and federal regulatory actions and by private sector decisions to withdraw pesticide products. Public concern, regulatory complexity, and scientific understanding of the hazards of pesticides are likely to increase in the near future. California faces the potential loss of a large part of the currently employed chemical pest control technology. An understanding of these pesticide losses will help California's agricultural community identify and adopt effective and acceptable alternative pest management techniques and help the University of California make informed decisions on directing its research and extension resources.

Selected references

Federal Register. 1988. “Regulation of pesticides in food: addressing the Delany paradox policy statement; Notice”, October 19

Internal California Department of Food and Agriculture memorandum. 1990. “Analysis of the Environmental Protection Act of 1990”, Jennifer Boursier, January 10

IR-4 reregistration database. 1990. January

California pesticide use report. 1988. California Department of Food and Agriculture.

Environmental Protection Act of 1990, an Initiative Measure to be Submitted Directly to the Voters. 1988. Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act as amended

Fisher Linda J. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1990. letter to Henry A. Waxman U.S. Congress. May, Attachment 1. Food Use Pesticides which have been Evaluated for Carcinogenicity.

Stimmann M, Ferguson M. 1990. Potential pesticide use cancellations in California. Hilgardia 44(4):12-16. DOI:10.3733/ca.v044n04p12
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