University of California

Career awareness and part-time work examined in lives of high school seniors


Marc T. Braverman
Jane Chin Young
Nicelma J. King
Carole A. Paterson
Robert S. Weisskirch

Authors Affiliations

M.T. Braverman is 4-H Youth Development Specialist, Department of Human and Community Development, UC Davis; J. Chin Young is 4-H Youth Development Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE), Marin County; N.J. King is Youth and Family Development Specialist, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, UC Davis; C.A. Paterson is 4-H Youth Development Advisor, UCCE Solano County; R.S. Weisskirch is Assistant Professor, California State University, Monterey Bay. The UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources provided funding for this study.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 56(2):55-60. DOI:10.3733/ca.v056n02p55. March 2002.

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In a survey of career awareness among high school seniors in Northern California, almost all students agreed that career is an important consideration for them, and about two-thirds reported that they had decided on an occupational field. However, only about half reported that they were comfortable with their current career decision-making, had a clear idea of their own interests and abilities, or had sufficient knowledge about potential occupations. Minority students tended to express greater needs with regard to career exploration than white students. Compared to other groups, significantly fewer Latino males had made an occupational decision. Part-time work during the students' senior year did not appear to hinder school grades or school engagement. In fact, working was associated with generally higher levels of career awareness, especially regarding the importance of career planning. However, part-time work was associated with increases in reported stress levels.


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Braverman M, Young J, King N, Paterson C, Weisskirch R. 2002. Career awareness and part-time work examined in lives of high school seniors. Hilgardia 56(2):55-60. DOI:10.3733/ca.v056n02p55
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