University of California

Survey explores influences on youth workforce preparation


Ella-R. Madsen
Ann Brosnahan
Isela Valdez
Susan Donohue
Teresa McAllister
Marc T. Braverman
Ella R. Madsen

Authors Affiliations

E.R. Madsen is Research Associate, 4-H Center for Youth Development, Department of Human and Community Development, UC Davis; A. Brosnahan and I. Valdez are 4-H Youth Development Advisors, San Joaquin County and Sutter and Yuba counties, respectively; S. Donohue is Family and Consumer Science and Youth Development Advisor, Butte County; T. McAllister is retired 4-H Youth Development Advisor, Humboldt and Del Norte counties; M.T. Braverman is 4-H Youth Development Specialist, Department of Human and Community Development, UC Davis. The UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources provided funding for this study; E.R. Madsen is Research Associate, 4-H Center for Youth Development, Department of Human and Community Development, UC Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 56(2):48-54. DOI:10.3733/ca.v056n02p48. March 2002.

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To develop programs and resources that help youth succeed in today's workplace, it is important to understand the various factors that influence their career exploration and decision-making process. A survey was conducted with 1,433 high school seniors in Northern California. Results indicate that the number of young people planning to seek education or training beyond high school continues to rise. There are distinct differences in the educational aspirations and expectations among different ethnic groups. The majority of students surveyed did not use school counseling services, and among those who did only a small percentage found them helpful. For most youth, parents are the primary source of help in preparing for further education and work. There is a strong positive relationship between academic achievement, and both participation in extracurricular activities and positive parent-child relations.


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Madsen E, Brosnahan A, Valdez I, Donohue S, McAllister T, Braverman M, Madsen E. 2002. Survey explores influences on youth workforce preparation. Hilgardia 56(2):48-54. DOI:10.3733/ca.v056n02p48
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