Morphactins induce berry abscission in grapes
R. J. WeaverR. M. Pool
Authors Affiliations
Robert J. Weaver is Professor of Viticulture, Department of Viticulture and Enology, University of California, Davis; Robert M. Pool is Laboratory Technician II, Department of Viticulture and Enology, University of California, Davis.Publication Information
Hilgardia 22(9):10-11. DOI:10.3733/ca.v022n09p10. September 1968.
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Two derivatives of fluorene-9-carboxylic acid (termed morphactins because they produce morphological changes and striking suppression of growth in plant species) were tested on seeded Vitis vinifera, Muscat of Alexandria; and seedless Thompson Seedless, and Black Corinth grapes. Berry abscission was induced when the compounds were applied at the fruit-set stage or two weeks later. When morphactins were applied near maturity, no berry drop occurred although the strength of berry attachment was reduced. An auxin (4-CPA) counteracted the morphactin response, indicating that the response may involve auxin metabolism. These chemicals are not registered for use in the U.S. at this time except by researchers on an experimental basis.
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