University of California

Drainage by wells — an investigation in the Patterson Water District


Verne H. Scott
Mahmoud Abu-Zied
James N. Luthin
Gert Aron

Authors Affiliations

Verne H. Scott was Professor in the Department of Water Science and Engineering, Davis; Mahmoud Abu-Zied was served, at the time of this study, as Postgraduate Research Irrigation Engineer in the Department of Water Science and Engineering, Davis; James N. Luthin was Professor in the Department of Water Science and Engineering, Davis; Gert Aron was Assistant Engineer in the Department of Water Science and Engineering, Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 38(10):355-401. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v38n10p355. September 1967.

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A ground-water study was undertaken to investigate the feasibility of controlling water levels and draining agricultural land in areas of the west side of the San Joaquin Valley, California. The region selected for the field study was south of the town of Patterson, in Stanislaus County.

Ground-water levels in the area had been rising due to intensive irrigation coupled with increased underground flow from new irrigated land which had been developed with water from the Delta-Mendota Canal.

A test well, 10 shallow observation wells, and 21 deep piezometer holes were drilled. Well logs were recorded and correlated with general geologic information. The water quality in the te t well was determined periodically from 1959 to 1961. Shallow watertable level and deep piezometric-table levels were recorded continuously from October 1959 to July 1961.

Several pumping and recovery tests were run and conventional as well as new methods of well hydraulic analysis were applied to the test data.

An optimum pattern and spacing were computed for the proposed drainage wells.

Literature Cited

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Scott V, Abu-Zied M, Luthin J, Aron G. 1967. Drainage by wells — an investigation in the Patterson Water District. Hilgardia 38(10):355-401. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v38n10p355
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