The use of electronic computers to solve subsurface drainage problems
George S. TaylorJ. N. Luthin
Authors Affiliations
George S. Taylor was Professor of Agronomy, Ohio State University and Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station; J. N. Luthin was Professor of Irrigation and Irrigationist in the Agricultural Experiment Station, Davis.Publication Information
Hilgardia 34(12):543-558. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v34n12p543. August 1963.
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The procedure for using the computer to solve steady-state drainage problems is described in detail. Flow charts are presented for the solution of problems that include stratified soils.
The precision of the results as a function of mesh size is discussed. The cost of the computer program as a function of the desired precision is also discussed.
The usefulness of the computer is illustrated by several solutions for ponded flow into drains in stratified soils. The potential use of the computer in other subsurface drainage problems is discussed and a proposal is made for obtaining solutions of the falling water table case in tile drainage.
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