University of California

Some mosaic diseases of Prunus species


H. Earl Thomas
T. E. Rawlins

Authors Affiliations

H. Earl Thomas was Associate Plant Pathologist in the Experiment Station; T. E. Rawlins was Associate Professor of Plant Pathology and Associate Plant Pathologist in the Experiment Station.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 12(10):623-644. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v12n10p623. November 1939.

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Abstract does not appear. First page follows.

In the absence of a visible fungus or bacterial pathogene, the diagnosis of a plant disease depends in a large measure upon the recognition of symptoms. This observation is particularly applicable in the study of diseases of deciduous fruit trees in California where there is found a relatively greater proportion of virus and nontransmissible diseases than is the case in more humid areas. It has seemed desirable, therefore, to assemble and to study, under comparable conditions, some of the prevalent virus diseases of deciduous fruit trees and to improve the criteria for distinguishing these from nontransmissible diseases such as exanthema and little-leaf, or rosette, the latter of which may cause symptoms on grape leaves strongly suggestive of a mosaic disease.

It is a rather remarkable fact that none of the several well-known virus diseases of stone fruits in eastern United States, namely, peach yellows, peach rosette, little peach, and phony peach, have been found in California. On the other hand, there are a considerable number of virus diseases of these plants in California, few or none of which seem to be established in the eastern states. Among the latter group, only cherry buckskin (8)4 and peach mosaic (3), (6) have been studied in any detail.

The earlier plan of this work, begun in 1932, involved the collection of those virus-type diseases that were found on deciduous fruit trees from which the more important were to be selected for further study.

Literature Cited

[1] Bodine E. W. Peach mosaic disease in Colorado. Colorado Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 1936. 421:1-11.

[2] Christoff Alexander. Virus diseases of the genus Prunus in Bulgaria. Phytopath. Zeitschr. 1938. 11:360-422.

[3] Cochran L. C., Hutchins Lee M. Further studies on host relationships of peach mosaic in southern California. Phytopathology. 1938. 28:890-92.

[4] Cochran L. C., Smith Clayton O. Asteroid spot, a new virosis of the peach. Phytopathology. 1938. 28:278-81.

[5] Cole J. R. Bunch disease of pecan. Phytopathology. 1937. 27:604-12.

[6] Hutchins Lee M., Bodine E. W., Thornberry H. H. Peach mosaic, its identification and control. U. S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 1937. 427:1-48.

[7] Kunkel L. O. Contact periods in graft transmission of peach viruses. Phytopathology. 1938. 28:491-97.

[8] Rawlins T. E., Horne W. T. “Buckskin,” a destructive graft-infectious disease of the cherry. Phytopathology. 1931. 21:331-35.

[9] Rawlins T. E., Tompkins C. M. Studies on the effect of carborundum as an abrasive in plant virus inoculations. Phytopathology. 1936. 27:578-87.

[10] Reeves E. L. Mottle leaf of cherries 1935. pp.85-89. Washington State Hort. Assoc. Proc. 31st Ann. Meet.

[11] Thomas H. Earl, Hildebrand E. M. A virus disease of prune. Phytopathology. 1936. 26:1145-48.

[12] Thomas H. Earl, Massey L. M. Mosaic diseases of the rose in California. Hilgardia. 1939. 12:647-63. DOI: 10.3733/hilg.v12n10p623 [CrossRef]

[13] Valleau W. D. A virus disease of plum and peach. Kentucky Agr. Exp. St. Bul. 1932. 327:89-103.

[14] Zeller S. M. Cherry mottle leaf. Oregon State Hort. Soc. Proc. 26 Ann Rept. 1935. 1934:92-95.

Thomas H, Rawlins T. 1939. Some mosaic diseases of Prunus species. Hilgardia 12(10):623-644. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v12n10p623

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