Copper content of citrus leaves and fruit in relation to exanthema and fumigation injury
A. R. C. HaasH. J. Quayle
Authors Affiliations
A. R. C. Haas was Associate Plant Physiologist in the Experiment Station; H. J. Quayle was Professor of Entomology and Entomologist in the Experiment Station.Publication Information
Hilgardia 9(3):143-177. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v09n03p143. January 1935.
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A study of the copper content of citrus leaves and fruit is of importance for four reasons: (1) The essential need of copper for certain plants is well known, but there is no knowledge regarding the copper content in citrus. (2) Methods frequently used to cure exanthema are the application of copper sulfate to the soil, or better still, the spraying of the entire tree with bordeaux mixture. Protection against brown rot disease is secured by spraying the lower portions of trees with bordeaux. (3) Increased and prolonged injury sometimes results when citrus trees are fumigated too soon after the application of copper. (4) An investigation of the copper content of citrus may throw some light on the cause of exanthema. This paper is concerned with the copper content of citrus in relation to these factors.
Previous Work
It was shown by Sommer(37) that as little as 0.06 mg of copper per liter gave normal growth of sunflowers, tomatoes, and flax, as compared with very limited growth or death of the plant in culture solutions containing no copper. A deficiency of copper was not found to produce chlorosis.
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