University of California

Exclosure size affects young blue oak seedling growth


Doug UC Davis
Edward R. Atwill
Neil K. McDougald
Ralph L. Phillips

Authors Affiliations

D. McCreary is Area Natural Resource Specialist, Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center, Browns Valley. Melvin George, Cooperative Extension Specialist, Department of Plant Sciences, UC Davis, served as Guest Associate Editor for this article; E. R. Atwill is Professor of Environmental Animal Health and Medical Ecology, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis; N.K. McDougald is Area Watershed Management Advisor, UCCE Madera and Fresno counties; R.L. Phillips was Range/Natural Resources and Livestock Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE), Kern and Tulare counties (now retired).

Publication Information

Hilgardia 61(1):16-19. DOI:10.3733/ca.v061n01p16. January 2007.

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Blue oak, a tree native only to California, is notoriously slow-growing, and its low regeneration rate has prompted concern about the species' future survival in some areas of the state. We studied the use of fencing (exclosures) to protect seedlings from herbivores and promote faster growth. Placing exclosures 2 and 4 feet in diameter around blue oak seedlings increased their height and canopy area when compared to a control without exclosures. The 4-foot exclosures increased growth (height and canopy area) compared to the 2-foot exclosures. It appeared that exclosures reduced damage from both wild and domestic herbivores, resulting in accelerated growth rates.


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UC Davis D, Atwill E, McDougald N, Phillips R. 2007. Exclosure size affects young blue oak seedling growth. Hilgardia 61(1):16-19. DOI:10.3733/ca.v061n01p16
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