Taking the university to the people
W.R. GomesAuthor Affiliations
Vice President, Agriculture and Natural Resources.Publication Information
Hilgardia 61(1):2-2. DOI:10.3733/ca.v061n01p2. January 2007.
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Gomes W. 2007. Taking the university to the people. Hilgardia 61(1):2-2. DOI:10.3733/ca.v061n01p2
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The Predictive Models and Procedures Used in the Forest Stand Generator (STAG)Letters: January-March 2007
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Oaks: Research and outreach to prevent woodland loss
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Blue oak seedling age influences growth and mortality
Exclosure size affects young blue oak seedling growth
The Coyote Lure Operative Device revisited: A fresh look at an old idea
California cotton growers utilize integrated pest management
High spring temperatures decrease peach fruit size
Quality evaluations should not be taken for granted
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