Avocado thrips: New challenge for growers
Karen M. JetierBen A. Faber
Mark S. Hoddle
Joseph G. Morse
Phil A. Phillips
Authors Affiliations
K.M. Jetter is Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Issues Center at UC Davis; B.A. Faber is Farm Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension, Ventura County;; M.S. Hoddle is Biological Control Extension Specialist; J.G. Morse is Professor of Entomology, UC Riverside;; P.A. Phillips is Area IPM Advisor.Publication Information
Hilgardia 56(3):103-107. DOI:10.3733/ca.v056n03p103. May 2002.
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Avocado thrips arrived in California in 1996. Since then, we have made substantial progress in our understanding of this pest. We now know the area of origin of the avocado thrips and have compiled an inventory of other potential pest thrips species on avocados in Mexico and Central America. Trials have helped us to identify several selective insecticides for use in treating avocado thrips in orchards. We have also determined the relationship between thrips densities on leaves and fruit scarring, and are studying cultural and biological control practices for use in an evolving integrated pest management (IPM) program.
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