Internal parasites prevalent in California's beef cattle
Daniel J. DrakeEdward R. Atwill
Ralph Phillips
Eileen Johnson
Authors Affiliations
D.J. Drake is UC Cooperative Extension Advisor, Siskiyou County; E.R. Atwill is Veterinary Epidemiologist, School of Veterinary Medicine, and Cooperative Extension Specialist, Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Center, Tulare; R. Phillips is UCCE Advisor, Kern County; E. Johnson is Veterinary Parasitologist, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, UC Davis.Publication Information
Hilgardia 55(2):28-32. DOI:10.3733/ca.v055n02p28. March 2001.
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Sixty percent of cattle not dewormed within 4 months of sampling were shedding parasite eggs or larva. The prevalence of shedding varied greatly for different types of internal parasites. Prevalence of shedding for major Strongylate nematodes was 54%; thread-necked intestinal nematodes, 6%; lungworms, 0.8%; coccidia, 18.1%; and tapeworms, 2.1%. Anthelmintic (deworming) treatments lowered prevalence compared to untreated cattle, but the major Strongylate nematodes and coccidia were still sufficiently prevalent that the resulting pasture contamination would restrict the potential success of control programs.
Further reading
Albaugh R, Bushnell RB, Loomis EC. Factors affecting the cattle producer's income. UC Division of Agricultural Sciences, Leaflet 2313 1980. p.18.
Corwin RM, Nahm J. Veterinary Parasitology. University of Misssouri-Columbia. 1997. College of Veterinary Medicine
Corwin RM, Randle RF. Common Internal Parasites of Cattle. 1993. Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri-Columbia Agricultural publication G02130.
Ensminger ME, Oldfield JE, Heinemann WW. Feeds and Nutrition. 2nd ed. 1990. Clovis, CA: Ensminger Publishing Co. 505p.
Johnstone C. Parasitology 4001, Internal Parasites of Cattle. 1996. University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine,
Strickland JE. Internal parasite control in cattle. 1992. University of Georgia College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences in Siskiyou County, Cooperative Extension Service, Bulletin 1086. .
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