Clipping chamise reduces brush fire hazard
Theodore E. AdamsPeter B. Sands
Authors Affiliations
T.E. Adams is Extension Wildlands Specialist Emeritus, respectively, Department of Agronomy and Range Science, UC Davis; P.B. Sands is former Staff Research Associate (retired), respectively, Department of Agronomy and Range Science, UC Davis.Publication Information
Hilgardia 53(3):25-29. DOI:10.3733/ca.v053n03p25. May 1999.
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Wildfire is a particular concern where housing and business development encroaches on highly flammable brushlands. In these areas, it may be risky to use prescribed fire to control biomass and reduce the fuel for a fire. Chamise chaparral, the most common of the brush types, was clipped to study how biomass removal affects flammability and fire hazard. The results suggest that infrequent clipping of chamise to a height of 12 inches may adequately reduce fuel volume and encourage new growth high in moisture, which lowers the flammability of vegetation.
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