University of California

Conflicts arise on the urban fringe


Mary E. Handel

Author Affiliations

M.E. Handel is a Land-Use Consultant specializing in urban/agriculture interface issues, based in Napa.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 52(3):11-16. DOI:10.3733/ca.v052n03p11. May 1998.

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The frequent expansion of urban edges presents a challenge for California agriculture as the state's rich farmland base is consumed by nonfarm development. Some issues of conflict emerge as a part of the struggle for limited resources while others are related to the proximity of urban development and agriculture. Other conflicts reflect the urban resident's and farmer's different perspectives on the purpose or value of farmland. Local governments need to establish firm urban-growth boundaries, create buffers between agriculture and urban land uses, and zone to eliminate incompatible land uses in agricultural areas. For its part, the agricultural community needs to educate the urban public to help them understand why particular farm management practices are necessary.


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Handel M. 1998. Conflicts arise on the urban fringe. Hilgardia 52(3):11-16. DOI:10.3733/ca.v052n03p11
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