University of California

In a study of avocado trees, using less fertilizer more often can reduce nitrate leaching


Marylynn V. Yates
J. L. Meyer
Mary Lu Arpaia

Authors Affiliations

M. V. Yates is Ground-Water Quality Specialist, Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences; J. L. Meyer is Irrigation and Soils Specialist, Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences; M. L. Arpaia is Subtropical Horticultural Specialist, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, UC Riverside.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 46(3):19-20. DOI:10.3733/ca.v046n03p19. May 1992.

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Fertilizing avocado trees in smaller amounts more frequently can reduce nitrate leaching into the soil and thereby decrease contamination of ground wafer.

Yates M, Meyer J, Arpaia M. 1992. In a study of avocado trees, using less fertilizer more often can reduce nitrate leaching. Hilgardia 46(3):19-20. DOI:10.3733/ca.v046n03p19
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