University of California

Buckskin disease of cherry


Alexander H. Purcell
Jerry K. Uyernoto
Robert A. Van Steenwyk
Wallace R. Schreader
Karen Gonot Suslow
Bruce Kirkpatrick

Authors Affiliations

Alexander H. Purcell is Associate Professor, Department of Entomoloeical Sciences. University of California, Berkeley; Jerry K. Uyemoto is Plant Pathologist, U.S. Department of Agriculture, stationed at the Department of Plant Pathology, UC Davis; Robert A. Van Steenwyk is Entomologist, Cooperative Extension, UC Berkeley; Wallace R. Schreader is Farm Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension, San Joaquin County; Karen Gonot Suslow is Staff Research Associate, Department of Entomological Sciences, UC Berkeley; Bruce Kirkpatrick is Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, UC Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 41(3):26-27. DOI:10.3733/ca.v041n03p26. March 1987.

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Purcell A, Uyernoto J, Van Steenwyk R, Schreader W, Suslow K, Kirkpatrick B. 1987. Buckskin disease of cherry. Hilgardia 41(3):26-27. DOI:10.3733/ca.v041n03p26
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