University of California

Fungicides for late blight in tomato


Albert O. Paulus
Jerry Nelson
Harold W. Otto
Roy Kobayashi

Authors Affiliations

Albert O. Paulus is Plant Pathologist, Cooperative Extension, University of California, Riverside; Jerry Nelson is Staff Research Associate, Cooperative Extension, University of California, Riverside; Harold W. Otto is Farm Advisor; Roy Kobayashi is Extension Field Assistant, Orange County.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 37(11):8-8. DOI:10.3733/ca.v037n11p8. November 1983.

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Late blight has become of increasing economic importance on tomatoes in California during the last few years. Previously, the disease, caused by the fungus Phytophthora in/estans, occurred mainly in coastal areas of California where environmental conditions favored its development. The disease may attack plants at any time during the growing season and, when it is severe, all plants in a field may be killed in a week or two. Late blight also results in great losses of tomatoes in transit, storage, and market.

Paulus A, Nelson J, Otto H, Kobayashi R. 1983. Fungicides for late blight in tomato. Hilgardia 37(11):8-8. DOI:10.3733/ca.v037n11p8
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