Controlling powdery mildew in greenhouse roses
Jerry SodomkaSeward Besemer
Jerry Nelson
Albert O. Paulus
Authors Affiliations
Jerry Sodomka is Rose Production Manager, Niedens Hillside Floral Company, Encinitas, California; Seward Besemer is Farm Advisor, San Diego County; Jerry Nelson is Staff Research Associate, UC, Riverside; Albert O. Paulus is Extension Plant Pathologist, UC, Riverside.Publication Information
Hilgardia 33(3):11-12. DOI:10.3733/ca.v033n03p11. March 1979.
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Sodomka J, Besemer S, Nelson J, Paulus A. 1979. Controlling powdery mildew in greenhouse roses. Hilgardia 33(3):11-12. DOI:10.3733/ca.v033n03p11
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