University of California

Sugarcane mosaic virus tolerance in sweet corn


Hunter Johnson
Dennis H. Hall
W. Claxton
W. Ishisaka

Authors Affiliations

Hunter Johnson, Jr., is Extension Vegetable Specialist, University of California, Riverside; Dennis H. Hall is Extension Plant Pathologist, University of California, Davis; W. Claxton is Extension Staff Research Associate, University of California, Riverside; W. Ishisaka is Extension Staff Research Associate, University of California, Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 26(10):8-10. DOI:10.3733/ca.v026n10p8. October 1972.

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These experimental results show not only that sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) tolerance exists in sweet corn, but also that it is variably expressed in plant and ear characteristics. Virus infection can apparently be expressed independently or collectively in the form of leaf symptoms, in an inability to produce ears of marketable size, and in defects in kernel development on the ears. Some of the hybrids tested showed collectively less defects than others, and should be considered for trial in areas where SCMV infection is prevalent. These are: NCX 200 (Niagara), 70–2109 (Rogers Bros.), Sunshine State (Keystone), and Goldie (Northrup-King). On the basis of very high table quality, past performance, and fairly good tolerance in this experiment, the hybrids Bonanza and Jubilee should also be included in grower trials.

Johnson H, Hall D, Claxton W, Ishisaka W. 1972. Sugarcane mosaic virus tolerance in sweet corn. Hilgardia 26(10):8-10. DOI:10.3733/ca.v026n10p8
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