University of California

Citrus hedging and topping to prevent crowding in mature trees


S. B. Boswell
B. W. Lee
C. D. McCarty
R. M. Burns
L. N. Lewis

Authors Affiliations

S. B. Boswell is Associate Specialist, University of California, Riverside; B. W. Lee is Farm Advisors, Ventura County; C. D. McCarty is Horticulture Technologist, Agricultural Extension Service, University of California, Riverside; R. M. Burns is Farm Advisors, Ventura County; L. N. Lewis is Associate Horticulturist, Department of Horticulture, University of California, Riverside.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 22(11):2-3. DOI:10.3733/ca.v022n11p2. November 1968.

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Orange yields were maintained and packout appeared to be improved over a four-year period following maintenance hedging and topping (done before excessive crowding occurred) in a mature Valencia citrus grove.

Boswell S, Lee B, McCarty C, Burns R, Lewis L. 1968. Citrus hedging and topping to prevent crowding in mature trees. Hilgardia 22(11):2-3. DOI:10.3733/ca.v022n11p2
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