University of California

Controlling submersed weeds in rice


D. E. Seaman
M. D. Morse
M. D. Miller
W. A. Harvey
L. L. Buschmann
C. M. Wick
B. B. Fischer

Authors Affiliations

D. E. Seaman was Assistant Research Botanist, University of California, Davis; M. D. Morse is Superintendent of the Rice Experiment Station, Biggs, California; M. D. Miller is Extension Agronomist, University of California, Davis; W. A. Harvey is Extension Weed Specialist, University of California, Davis; L. L. Buschmann is farm advisors in Sutter, Butte, and Fresno counties, respectively; C. M. Wick is farm advisors in Sutter, Butte, and Fresno counties, respectively; B. B. Fischer is farm advisors in Sutter, Butte, and Fresno counties, respectively.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 22(11):11-11. DOI:10.3733/ca.v022n11p11. November 1968.

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Field tests in 1966 and 1967 have confirmed initial reports from the Rice Experiment Station, Biggs, that chemical control of submersed aquatic weeds frequently results in substantial increases in rice yield. Promising materials for this purpose are TD294, Hydrothal 191, and chloroxuron. Injury to the seedling rice was the least when these chemicals were applied about 35 days after flooding and seeding. More work is needed to determine precisely how long riceland-treated water must be held to control the submersed weeds most effectively while also eliminating any possible hazard to wildlife, including fish. It should also be determined whether the yield increases result from decreased weed competition or from fertilization provided by the killed submersed weeds (which soon decay, releasing the organically bound plant nutrients).

Seaman D, Morse M, Miller M, Harvey W, Buschmann L, Wick C, Fischer B. 1968. Controlling submersed weeds in rice. Hilgardia 22(11):11-11. DOI:10.3733/ca.v022n11p11
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