University of California

Lime effect on soil properties: Studies made on the effect of massive lime applications on physical properties of five types of Sacramento Valley soils


A. L. Brown
T. R. Nielsen
E. Halevy

Authors Affiliations

A. L. Brown is Specialist in Soils and Plant Nutrition, University of California, Davis; T. R. Nielsen was Assistant Professor of Soils, University of California, Davis, when these studies were conducted; E. Halevy was Senior Laboratory Technician in Soils, University of California, Davis, at the time of these studies.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 13(8):9-9. DOI:10.3733/ca.v013n08p9. August 1959.

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By-product lime–from beet sugar refineries–is used frequently in the Central Valley of California, to improve the physical condition of the soil, particularly for seedbed preparation. Lime is commonly applied to acid soils to decrease the acidity but the pH–relative acidity-alkalinity–of most of the Central Valley soils is neutral to slightly alkaline.

Brown A, Nielsen T, Halevy E. 1959. Lime effect on soil properties: Studies made on the effect of massive lime applications on physical properties of five types of Sacramento Valley soils. Hilgardia 13(8):9-9. DOI:10.3733/ca.v013n08p9
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