University of California

Corn earworm in grain sorghum phosdrin and thiodan: Show promise as substitutes for DDT in two experiments with aerial applications to infested fields


Oscar G. Bacon
Raymond Miskus
Morton D. Morse
Robert L. Sailsbery

Authors Affiliations

Oscar G. Bacon is Associate Professor of Entomology, University of California, Davis; Raymond Miskus is Laboratory Technician in Entomology, University of California, Berkeley; Morton D. Morse is Farm Advisor, Butte County, University of California; Robert L. Sailsbery is Farm Advisor, Glenn County, University of California.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 13(8):12-13. DOI:10.3733/ca.v013n08p12. August 1959.

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Damage to grain sorghum by the corn earworm–Heliothis zea (Boddie) –has been especially severe in Butte and Glenn counties. Certain fields examined in 1957 and 1958 showed 90%-99% of the heads to be infested. Usually 1–4 larvae per head were found although some heads had 10-16 larvae.

Bacon O, Miskus R, Morse M, Sailsbery R. 1959. Corn earworm in grain sorghum phosdrin and thiodan: Show promise as substitutes for DDT in two experiments with aerial applications to infested fields. Hilgardia 13(8):12-13. DOI:10.3733/ca.v013n08p12
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