University of California

Alfalfa and sorghum silages: Experiments indicate no difference between sweet forage-type sorghum and dual purpose-type when fed as silage to steers


J. H. Meyer
G. P. Lofgreen
N. R. Ittner

Authors Affiliations

J. H. Meyer is Associate Professor of Animal Husbandry, University of California, Davis; G. P. Lofgreen is Associate Professor of Animal Husbandry, University of California, Davis; The late N. R. Ittner was Specialist in Animal Husbandry, University of California, Imperial Valley Field Station, El Centro.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 13(1):4-4. DOI:10.3733/ca.v013n01p4. January 1959.

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Silage from a sweet forage sorghum with a low grain-to-stalk ratio–variety Rex–was compared to silage from a dual purpose forage sorghum with a higher grain-to-stalk ratio–variety Hegari– and both were compared to alfalfa hay and alfalfa silage in feeding trials with beef steers. Two experiments were conducted; one with a limited concentrate ration, and the second, with a full feed of concentrate.

Meyer J, Lofgreen G, Ittner N. 1959. Alfalfa and sorghum silages: Experiments indicate no difference between sweet forage-type sorghum and dual purpose-type when fed as silage to steers. Hilgardia 13(1):4-4. DOI:10.3733/ca.v013n01p4
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