University of California

Spray thinning Newtown apples: Properly timed and applied, spray treatment satisfactorily thinned fruit for size and yield in trials near Watsonville


K. Uriu
O. Lilleland
E. C. Koch

Authors Affiliations

K. Uriu is Assistant Pomologist, University of California, Davis; O. Lilleland is Pomologist, University of California, Davis; E. C. Koch is Farm Advisor, Santa Cruz County, University of California.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 12(4):7-8. DOI:10.3733/ca.v012n04p7. April 1958.

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Commercial size spray thinning trials with naphthylacetamide—Amid Thin—in 1956 and 1957 indicated that the material can satisfactorily thin Newtown apples, does not injure foliage, reduces hand thinning costs and can result in a better return bloom the following year.

Uriu K, Lilleland O, Koch E. 1958. Spray thinning Newtown apples: Properly timed and applied, spray treatment satisfactorily thinned fruit for size and yield in trials near Watsonville. Hilgardia 12(4):7-8. DOI:10.3733/ca.v012n04p7

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