University of California

Phosphated alfalfa feed-value: Preliminary studies made of feeding value of alfalfa hay from phosphate fertilized soils of the Imperial Valley


N. R. Ittner
V. V. Rendig
R. S. Ayers
Wm. C. Weir

Authors Affiliations

N. R. Titer is Associate Specialist and Imperial Valler Field Station Superintendent. University of California; V. V. Rending is Assistant soil Chemist, University of California, Davis; R. S. Ayers is Farm Advisor, Imperial County, University of California; Wm. C. Weir is Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, University of California, Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 7(8):4-14. DOI:10.3733/ca.v007n08p4. August 1953.

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That cattle and sheep make poor gains on alfalfa hay from unphosphated soil has been a general belief among farmers in Imperial County.

Ittner N, Rendig V, Ayers R, Weir W. 1953. Phosphated alfalfa feed-value: Preliminary studies made of feeding value of alfalfa hay from phosphate fertilized soils of the Imperial Valley. Hilgardia 7(8):4-14. DOI:10.3733/ca.v007n08p4
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