University of California

Spread of apricot roots: Unirrigated trees apparently obtained moisture from adjacent irrigated plot in experimental orchard at Winters


A. H. Hendrickson
F. J. Veihmeyer

Authors Affiliations

A. H. Hendrickson is Pomologist in the University of California College of Agriculture Experiment Station, Davis; F. J. Veihmeyer is Professor of Irrigation and Irrigation Engineer in the University of California College of Agricdture Experiment Station, Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 4(7):11-11. DOI:10.3733/ca.v004n07p11. July 1950.

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The spread of the root systems of Royal apricot trees on apricot root is evidenced by the above photograph.

Hendrickson A, Veihmeyer F. 1950. Spread of apricot roots: Unirrigated trees apparently obtained moisture from adjacent irrigated plot in experimental orchard at Winters. Hilgardia 4(7):11-11. DOI:10.3733/ca.v004n07p11
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