Improving tomato fruit set: Use of hormone spray treatment for improvement of fruit set for spring and early summer harvest
P. A. MingesL. K. Mann
Authors Affiliations
P. A. Minges is Associate Agriculturist, Truck Crops, in Agricultural Extension, Davis; L. K. Mann is Assistant Professor of Truck Crops and Assistant Olericultnrist in the Experiment Station, Davis.Publication Information
Hilgardia 3(7):8-12. DOI:10.3733/ca.v003n07p8. July 1949.
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Local experience on the results of hormone treatment can be obtained from the Farm Advisors' ofices. Staff members of those ofices coiiperated in the studies reported here.
Minges P, Mann L. 1949. Improving tomato fruit set: Use of hormone spray treatment for improvement of fruit set for spring and early summer harvest. Hilgardia 3(7):8-12. DOI:10.3733/ca.v003n07p8
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