University of California

Reseeding after klamath weed: Areas cleared of weed by beetles may require a reseeding program to restore valuable forage plants


Alfred H. Murphy
Carl B. Huffaker

Authors Affiliations

Alfred H. Murphy is Associate, Division of Agronomy, in the Experiment Station, Davis; Carl B. Huffaker is Assistant Entomologist, Division of Biological Control, Berkeley.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 3(7):3-3. DOI:10.3733/ca.v003n07p3. July 1949.

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The local ofice of the Farm Advisor should be consulted as to types of seed to use, the best times for seeding, and the progress of reseeding studies not yet completed.

See: “Klamath Weed Beetles” by J. K. Holloway and C. B. Huffaker, California Agriculture, February, 1949, page 3.

Murphy A, Huffaker C. 1949. Reseeding after klamath weed: Areas cleared of weed by beetles may require a reseeding program to restore valuable forage plants. Hilgardia 3(7):3-3. DOI:10.3733/ca.v003n07p3
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