Ecology of tetranychid mites and their natural enemies: A review: III. Biology, ecology, and pest status, and host-plant relations of tetranychids
M. van de VrieJ. A. McMurtry
C. B. Huffaker
Authors Affiliations
M. van de Vrie was with the Institute for Phytopathological Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands. He was a Research Associate in the Experiment Station, Riverside, for six months in 1970; J. A. McMurtry was Entomologist in the Experiment Station and Lecturer in Biological Control, Riverside; C. B. Huffaker was Professor of Entomology and Entomologist in the Experiment Station, Berkeley.Publication Information
Hilgardia 41(13):343-432. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v41n13p343. November 1972.
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The literature pertaining to the bionomics of some of the most important tetranychids is reviewed. Considerable attention is paid to the possibilities of spider mites reaching pest levels as a result of environmental factors. It is concluded that more information is needed on economic injury levels of various species on different crops and under various climatic conditions. The influences of cultural practices and their interactions as related to population development of tetranychids also need more study. Furthermore, work is needed on the influence of climatic conditions on development of tetranychid mite populations together with possible predictability of outbreak situations. Finally, we need to know more about the fundamental relations between the host-plant quality and spider mite development, and the impact of spider mites on the development of their host plants.
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