University of California

Computer simulation and economic efficiency in forest sampling


Loukas G. Arvanitis
William G. O’Regan

Authors Affiliations

Loukas G. Arvanitis was Assistant Specialist, School of Forestry, Berkeley, and is now Research Scientist, Forest Management Research and Services Institute, Canadian Department of Forestry, Ottawa; William G. O’Regan was Mathematical Statistician, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and Lecturer in Forestry, Berkeley.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 38(2):133-164. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v38n02p133. March 1967.

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In most forestry operations, estimates must be made. If those estimates are to be applied properly in making decisions, the forester must be able to determine their accuracy and their relative efficiency. Better methods are needed to help the decisionmaker design forest sampling systems.

The study reported here was designed to demonstrate the use of the computer to simulate a forest sampling problem. Somewhat empirical in nature, the investigation sought to provide those engaged in forest sampling with a method of analysis to help in making decisions in a state of uncertainty.

In addition to providing limited answers to a specific problem—that of optimum combination of number and size of plots in sampling forests—the study suggests an approach to solving problems of this and a similar nature by introducing concepts from production economics and by using computer simulation.

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Arvanitis L, G. O’Regan W. 1967. Computer simulation and economic efficiency in forest sampling. Hilgardia 38(2):133-164. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v38n02p133
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