Measurement of oxygen diffusion rates with the platinum micro-electrode: II. Factors influencing the measurement
D. E. BirkleJ. Letey
L. H. Stolzy
T. E. Szuszkiewicz
Authors Affiliations
D. E. Birkle was Research Assistant in Soils and Plant Nutrition, Riverside; J. Letey was Associate Professor of Soil Physics, Riverside; L. H. Stolzy was Associate Soil Physicist, Riverside; T. E. Szuszkiewicz was Laboratory Technician in Soils and Plant Nutrition, Riverside.Publication Information
Hilgardia 35(20):555-566. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v35n20p555. October 1964.
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In 1952, E. R. Lemon and A. E. Erickson introduced a method for measuring the rate of oxygen diffusion to a small platinum wire electrode inserted into the soil. This was considered analogous to measuring the oxygen movement to a plant root that would be in the same position as the wire electrode.
In spite of certain limitations, the platinum microelectrode technique appears still to be the best method available at present for providing a measurement of oxygen conditions in soil which can be interpreted with respect to biological behavior.
The first two papers of this series discuss theory, equipment, and the factors that can influence measurements. The third paper reviews the literature reporting research on correlation of oxygen diffusion rates to biological response.
Literature Cited
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Letey J., Stolzy L. H., Valoras N., Szuszkiewicz T. E. Influence of oxygen diffusion rate on sunflower growth at various soil and air temperatures. Agron. Jour. 1962. 54:316-19. DOI: 10.2134/agronj1962.00021962005400040011x [CrossRef]
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