Biology of the strawberry aphids, Pentatrichopus fragaefolii (Cockerell) and P. thomasi Hille Ris Lambers, in California
George A. SchaefersWilliam W. Allen
Authors Affiliations
George A. Schaefers was Assistant Professor, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva; William W. Allen was Lecturer in Entomology and Associate Entomologist in the Experiment Station, University of California, Berkeley.Publication Information
Hilgardia 32(8):393-431. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v32n08p393. May 1962.
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Although many aphid species occur on cultivated strawberries in California, members of the genus Pentatrichopus are by far the most important. These aphids cause considerable injury by direct feeding as well as by honeydew production, with the resultant development of sooty-mold fungi. They are of paramount importance, however, because of their capacity to transmit several serious virus diseases of strawberries. (Plakidas (1927)
and (Vaughan (1933) were the first to transmit the “xanthosis” and “crinkle” viruses with a member of this genus. (Massee (1935) proved that the species Pentatrichopus fragaefolii (Cockerell) was a vector of the strawberry virus, “yellow edge.” (Demaree and Marcus (1951) transmitted two virus types with the species P. minor (Forbes) and an “unnamed species” (probably P. thomasi Hille Ris Lambers). Although it does not occur on strawberry, P. tetrahodus Walker was reported as an experimental vector of “crinkle” by (Whitehead and Wood (1941). (Frazier and Posnette (1958) reported that P. jacobi (Hille Ris Lambers) was a potential vector of several strawberry viruses.The most important members of the genus Pentatrichopus in California are P. fragaefolii and P. thomasi, with the former species occurring somewhat more commonly. P. tetrahodus is found primarily on rose, while P. jacobi occurs almost exclusively on thin-leaved wild Fragaria species. P. minor and P. minor forma dorsalis are known only from eastern North America.
In many areas, viruses become a limiting factor in the profitable culture of strawberries; since control of aphid vectors is one approach to virus control, it is essential to have as thorough knowledge as possible of these vectors. It is the purpose of this study to provide information on the biology
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