Supplement to an annotated list and bibliography of insects reported to have virus diseases
Mauro E. MartignoniRobert L. Langston
Authors Affiliations
Mauro E. Martignoni was Lecturer in Insect Pathology and Assistant Insect Pathologist in the Experiment Station, Berkeley; Robert L. Langston was Laboratory Technician in the Experiment station, Berkeley.Publication Information
Hilgardia 30(1):1-40. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v30n01p001. June 1960.
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In 1957 Hughes (166) laid the basis for the “Annotated List and Bibliography” by cataloguing a series of 259 papers dealing with virus infections of insects. While Hughes’ list contains most of the important papers published on insect viruses and virus diseases, it does not include many reports which, even if not dealing primarily with virology or pathology, nonetheless contain valuable information for the insect pathologist. This first supplement adds 473 new references to the 259 already published in Hughes’ list. Almost all these papers have been seen in the original or, in a few eases, in photostatic copy of the original (as we are quite adverse to the not uncommon practice of quoting from quotations, thus perpetuating errors). Where the linguistic knowledge of the authors was lacking, translators were consulted; in some cases complete translations were available with the original publication.
The present supplement, as in the list by Hughes, includes only a small proportion of the many papers in Japanese or Russian: those included were available in translation or contained a summary complete enough to derive sufficient information on the type of disease concerned. It is gratifying to know that a similar bibliographical survey is being completed at present in the U.S.S.R,. (S. Gershenson, personal communication, 1958).
Titles of Japanese and Russian papers appear in translation only, the translation being that given in the summary of the original publication, Papers in English, French, German, and Italian are entered with their original titles and without translations. Translations and original titles appear for papers in Czech, Polish, and Croatian.
As in Hughes’ list, an attempt was made to distinguish between nuclear polyhedrosis and cytoplasmic polyhedrosis whenever the information available permitted such a distinction. Those cases in which a polyhedrosis was involved, but without evidence to indicate the type of polyhedrosis, were recorded simply as “polyhedrosis.”
[1] Abul-Nasr S. The formation of polyhedra in the gut epithelial cells of virus-infected insects. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ent. 1954. 38:383-95.
[2] Abul-Nasr S. Polyhedrosis-virus disease on cotton leaf-worm, Prodenia litura F. Bull. Soc. ent. Égypte. 1956. 40:321-32.
[3] Acqua C. Ricerche sulla malattia del giallume nel baco da seta. R.C. Ist. bacol. Portici. 1918. 3:243-56.
[4] Acqua C. Ricerche eseguite alla R. Stazione di Gelsibachicoltura di Ascoli Piceno. Ric. sci., Ser. 2. 1936. 1:54-55.
[5] Aizawa K. On the virus amount in the fractions of the polyhedral bodies of the silkworm jaundice in the isoelectric precipitation. Jap. J. appl. Zool. 1952. 17:56-60.
[6] Aizawa K. Some immunological characters on the blood, jaundice-diseased blood and polyhedral bodies in Bombyx mori L. Sanshi-kenkyu. 1952. 1:49-53.
[7] Aizawa K. Turbidity-time curve of the infected blood in the silkworm jaundice. Sanshi-kenkyu. 1952. 2:78-80.
[8] Aizawa K. On the dissolving curve of the polyhedral bodies of the silkworm jaundice in Na2CO3 solution. Jap. J. appl. Zool. 1953. 17:145-54.
[9] Aizawa K. On the inactivation of the silkworm jaundice virus. Jap. J. appl. Zool. 1953. 17:183-90.
[10] Aizawa K. Silkworm jaundice virus in the excrements of the infected larvae. Jap. J. appl. Zool. 1953. 18:143-44.
[11] Aizawa K. Some methods of keeping the virus activity of the silkworm jaundice. Sanshi-kenkyu. 1953. 3:75-77.
[12] Aizawa K. Multiplication mode of the silkworm jaundice virus. I. On the multiplication mode in connection with the latent period and LD 50 - time curve. Bull, seric. Exp. Sta. Japan. 1953. 14:201-28.
[13] Aizawa K. Dissolving curve and the virus activity of the polyhedral bodies of Bombyx mori L., obtained 37 years ago. Sanshi-kenkyu. 1954. 8:52-54.
[14] Aizawa K. Immunological studies of the silkworm jaundice virus. (1) Neutralization and absorption test of the silkworm jaundice virus. Virus [Japan]. 1954. 4:238-40.
[15] Aizawa K. Immunological studies of the silkworm jaundice virus. (2) Agglutination reaction of the polyhedral bodies. Virus [Japan]. 1954. 4:241-44.
[16] Aizawa K. Immunological studies of the silkworm jaundice virus. (3) Experiments on the defence of infection in the silkworm jaundice. Virus [Japan]. 1954. 4:245-48.
[17] Aizawa K. Neutralization of silkworm jaundice virus by human serum. Nature. 1954. 174:748-49. DOI: 10.1038/174748a0 [CrossRef]
[18] Aizawa K. A preliminary note on the tetragonal polyhedra in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Sanshi-kenkyu. 1955. 14-4:11-13.
[19] Aizawa K. Inactivation of the silkworm jaundice virus by the ultraviolet irradiation. J. seric. Sci. [Tokyo]. 1955. 24:398-99.
[20] Aizawa K., Asahina S., Fukumi H. Demonstration of the polyhedral diseases of Euproctis flava and Euproctis pseudoconspersa (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae). Japan. J. med. Sci. Biol. 1957. 10:61-64.
[21] Aizawa K., Murai S. Electrophoresis of the blood of the silkworm, Bombyx mori on filter paper (2nd report). Biological Physics and Chemistry [Japan]. 1957. 4(1/2):23-26.
[22] Allen H. W. Notes on the relation of insects to the spread of the wilt disease. J. econ Ent. 1916. 9:233-35.
[23] Andrewes C. H. Report of the subcommittee on viruses 1953 (1955). pp.109-11. Act. 6me Congr. int. Microbiol., Rome, 7 (Appendix)
[24] Andrewes C. H. Factors in virus evolution. Advanc. Virus Res. 1957. 4:1-24. DOI: 10.1016/S0065-3527(08)60594-1 [CrossRef]
[25] Andrewes C. H. Diseases can destroy insects. Agric. Res., U. S. Dep. Agric. 1954. 2(12):18
[26] Andrewes C. H. Entomology Laboratory, biological control investigations, Belleville, Canada. Agric. Inst. Rev. 1955. 10(6):19-24.
[27] Andrewes C. H. Virus to control clothes moths?. Pest Control. 1956. 24(4):60
[28] Andrewes C. H. Virus vs insect. J. agric. Food Chem. 1956. 4:195-96.
[29] Andrewes C. H. They’re mounting biological war on bugs. Chem. Week. 1957. 78:80-82. 84, 86.
[30] Aoki K., Chigasaki Y. Immunisatorische Studien über die Polyederkörperchen bei Gelbsucht von Seidenraupen (Zelleinschluss). Zbl. Bakt., Abt. I. 1921. 86:481-85.
[31] Armstrong J. A., Niven Janet S. F. Histochemical observations on cellular and virus nucleic acids. Nature. 1957. 180:1335-36. DOI: 10.1038/1801335a0 [CrossRef]
[32] Aruga H. Polyhedral diseases in the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. Rev. Ver à Soie. 1957. 9:37-41.
[33] Aruga H. Mechanism of resistance to virus diseases in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. II. On the relation between the nuclear polyhedrosis and the cytoplasmic polyhidrosis. J. seric. Sci. [Tokyo]. 1957. 26:279-83.
[34] Aruga H. Mechanism of resistance to virus diseases in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. IV. On the relation between the polyhedral diseases and environmental factors. J. seric. Sci. [Tokyo]. 1958. 27:5-9.
[35] Aruga H. Mechanism of resistance to virus diseases in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. V. On the induction of the polyhedral virus by nitrogen mustard. J. seric. Sci. [Tokyo]. 1958. 27:10-13.
[36] Aruga H. Mechanism of resistance to virus diseases in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. VI. On the relation between the rearing season and the cytoplasmic polyhedrosis. J. seric. Sci. [Tokyo]. 1958. 27:14-17.
[37] Aruga H. Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis in the silkworm. Bombyx mori L. Mimeo. 1958. p.3.
[38] Aruga H., Watanabe H., Fukuhara T., Iwashita Y. Mechanism of the virus resistance in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. I. On the formation of the polyhedral body in the nucleus of the silk-gland cell. J. seric. Sci. [Tokyo]. 1957. 26:1-8.
[39] Baird A. B. Biological control of insect and plant pests in Canada. Proc. 10th int. Congr. Ent., Montreal. 1956 (1958). 4:483-85.
[40] Balgh R. E. The spruce sawfly disease. For. Insect Invest. [Ottawa]. 1945. 1(2):1
[41] Balch R. E. Control of forest insects. Annu. Rev. Ent. 1958. 3:449-68. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.en.03.010158.002313 [CrossRef]
[42] Baltensweiler W. Zur Kenntnis der Parasiten des grauen Lärchenwicklers (Zeiraphera griseana Hübner) im Oberengadin. Mitt. Schweiz. Anst. forstl. Versuchsw. 1958. 34:399-478.
[43] Bassi A. Del mal del segno calcinaccio o moscardino malattia che affligge i bachi da seta e sul modo di liberarne le bigattaje anche le più infestate 1835. p.xi-67. Tipografia Orcesi, Lodi. First part second part, xiv-60 pp. Facsimile edition: Istituto Geografico De Agostini, Novara, 1956.
[44] Beal J. A. Status and trends in forest insect research. Proc. 10th int. Congr. Ent., Montreal. 1956 (1958). 4:323-30.
[45] Bergold G. H. Polyederfreie Insektenzuchten. Naturwissenschaften. 1942. 30:422-33. DOI: 10.1007/BF01475181 [CrossRef]
[46] Bergold G. H., Delbruck M. Insect Virus. Viruses 1950. 1950. Pasadena: California Institute of Technology. 147p. (pp. 40-43).
[47] Bergold G. H. On the nomenclature and classification of insect viruses. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1953. 56:495-516. DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1953.tb30241.x [CrossRef]
[48] Bergold G. H. The multiplication of insect viruses. The nature of virus multiplication. Second Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology. 1953. Cambridge University Press. xi-320p. Oxford, April 1952. pp. (pp. 276-83).
[49] Bergold G. H. Viruses as organisms, with particular reference to insect viruses. Act. 6me Congr. int. Microbiol., Rome. 1953 (1955). 3:7-10.
[50] Bergold G. H. Radioactive experiments with silkworms. For. Insect Invest. [Ottawa]. 1954. 10(3): 2.
[51] Bergold G. H. Über Insektenviren. Nova Acta Leop. Carol. New Ser. 1957. 19:109-19.
[52] Bergold G. H., Walker D. L., Hanson R. P., Evans A. S. Factors of host cell and environment contributing to masking and latency Moderator) Panel discussion (F. C. Bawden 1958. Symposium on latency and masking in viral and rickettsial infections. 1958. Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Company. xi-202p.
[53] Bergold G. H., Hallauer C., Meyer K. F. Viruses of insects. Handbuch der Virusforschung, 4 (III Ergänzungsband). 1958. Wien: Springer Verlag. xv-688p. (pp. 60-142). 1958.
[54] Bergold G. H., Flaschenträger B. The polyhedral virus of Prodenia litura (Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Nature [Lond.]. 1957. 180:1046-47. DOI: 10.1038/1801046a0 [CrossRef]
[55] Bergold G. H., Pister L. Zur quantitativen Mikrobestimmung von Desoxy- und Ribonucleinsäure. Z. Naturf. 1948. 3b:406-10.
[56] Bergold G. H., Ripper W. E. The polyhedral virus of Heliothis armigera (Hbn.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Nature [Lond.]. 1957. 180:764-65. DOI: 10.1038/180764a0 [CrossRef]
[57] Bergold G., Schramm G. Biochemische Charakterisierung von Insektenviren. Biol. Zbl. 1942. 62:105-18.
[58] Bianchi F. A. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii, ent. Soc. 1957. 16:184
[59] Biliotti E. Survie des larves endophages de tachinaires à une mort prématurée de leur hôte par maladie. C.R. Acad. Sci. [Paris]. 1955. 240:1021-23.
[60] Biliotti E., Grison P., Martouret D. L’utilisation d’une maladie à virus comme méthode de lutte biologique contre Pieris brassicae L. Entomophaga. 1956. 1:35-44. DOI: 10.1007/BF02377874 [CrossRef]
[61] Biliotti E., Grison P., Vago C. Essai d’utilisation des polyèdres isolés de la processionnaire du pin, comme méthode de lutte biologique contre cet insecte. C.R. Acad. Sci. [Paris]. 1956. 243:206-8.
[62] Bird F. T. Histopathology and epidemiology of the polyhedral disease of the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana Clem. For. Insect Invest. [Ottawa]. 1949. 5(3):2-3.
[63] Bird F. T. The dissemination and propagation of a virus disease affecting the European pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer (Geoff). For. Insect Invest. [Ottawa]. 1950. 6(5):2-3.
[64] Bird F. T. The use of virus diseases against sawflies 1954. pp.122-125. Rep. 6th Commonw. ent. Conf., 1954
[65] Bird F. T. The use of a virus disease in the biological control of the European spruce sawfly, Diprion hercyniae (Htg). For. Insect Invest. [Ottawa]. 1954. 10(1):2-3.
[66] Bird F. T. The use of viruses in the biological control of some forest insects. Proc. 10th int. Congr. Ent., Montreal. 1956 (1958). 4:687
[67] Bird F. T. On the development of insect viruses. Virology. 1957. 3:237-42. DOI: 10.1016/0042-6822(57)90035-1 [CrossRef]
[68] Bird F. T. Histopathology of granulosis in insects. Canad. J. Microbiol. 1958. 4:267-72. DOI: 10.1139/m58-028 [CrossRef]
[69] Bird F. T., Elgee D. E. A virus disease and introduced parasites as factors controlling the European spruce sawfly, Diprion hercyniae (Htg.), in Central New Brunswick. Canad. Ent. 1957. 89:371-78. DOI: 10.4039/Ent89371-8 [CrossRef]
[70] Bolle J. Il giallume o il mal del grasso del baco da seta, una malattia parasitaria. Appendix of La bachicoltura nel Giappone. 1898. Gorizia: Giov. Paternolli. p. 87-129. [This paper was reprinted from a series of articles which appeared in 1897 and 1898 in the Atti Soc. agr. Gorizia. It appeared simultaneously in German (A. Hartleben’s Verlag, Wien, 1898, pp. 94-141), as well as in Slovenian and Hungarian translations.]
[71] Bolle J. Bericht über die Thätigkeit der k. k. landwirtschaftlich-chemischen Versuchsstation in Görz im Jahre 1898. Z. landw. VersWes. Öst. 1899. 4:21
[72] Boudreaux H. B. Evidence for a “Virus” affecting morphology in spider mites 1956. p.6. Ent. Soc. Am., 4th annu. Meeting, New York. Mimeo.
[73] Bovey P. Le problème de la tordeuse grise du mélèze Eucosma griseana (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) dans les for?ts alpines. Proc. 10th int. Congr. Ent., Montreal. 1956 (1958). 4:123-31.
[74] Breed R. S., Petraitis A. Some Russian contributions to taxonomy and nomenclature of the viruses: A review. Int. Bull. bact. Nom. Taxonomy. 1954. 4:189-214.
[75] Breeland S. G. Biological studies on the army worm, Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haworth), in Tennessee (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). J. Tenn. Acad. Sci. 1958. 33:263-347.
[76] Breindl V. Über neue Färbungsmethoden. Zbl. Bakt., Abt. II. 1926. 67:370-71.
[77] Breindl V. Ergänzende Studie über die Polyedrie der Nonne (L. monacha) und des Schwammspinners (L. dispar). Mem. Soc. zool. tchécosl. 1938. 5:94-116.
[78] Brun G., Sigot A. Étude de la sensibilité héréditaire au gaz carbonique chez la drosophile. II. Installation du virus dans la lignée germinale à la suite d’une inoculation. Ann. Inst. Pasteur [Paris]. 1955. 88:488-512.
[79] Bucher G. E. Biotic factors of control of the European fir budworm, Choristoneura murinana (Hbn.) (n. comb.), in Europe. Canad. J. agric. Sci. 1953. 33:448-69.
[80] Bucher G. E. General summary and review of utilization of disease to control insects. Proc. 10th int. Congr. Ent., Montreal. 1956 (1958). 4:695-701.
[81] Cameron J. W. MacBain. A survey of investigations on the diseases of insects. Annu. Rep. ent. Soc. [Ontario]. 1952. 82:7-13.
[82] ?apek M., Obrtel R., Weiser J. Choroby, parasiti a episiti judlového obale?e Choristoneura (Cacoecia) murinana Hb. v kalamitní oblasti st?edního pohroní. (Krankheiten, Parasiten und Episiten des Tannentriebwicklers Choristoneura murinana Hb. im Mittel-slowakischen Tannengebiete.) Lesn. ?asopis. 1958. 4:46-70.
[83] Carbone D., Fortuna E. La vaccinazione dei bachi da seta. IIa nota preventiva. Boll. Ist. sieroter. Milano. 1931. 10:92-102.
[84] Chamberlin F. S., Dutky S. R. Tests of pathogens for the control of tobacco insects. J. econ Ent. 1958. 51:560
[85] Clark E. C. Biological control of the alfalfa caterpillar. Rep. Alfalfa Improvement Conf. 1954. 14:22-3.
[86] Clark E. C. Ecology of the polyhedroses of tent caterpillars. Ecology. 1958. 39:132-39. DOI: 10.2307/1929975 [CrossRef]
[87] Clausen C. P. Biological antagonists in the future of insect control. Agric. Food Chem. 1954. 2:12-8. DOI: 10.1021/jf60021a002 [CrossRef]
[88] Clausen C. P. The biological control of insect pests in the continental United States. Proc. 10th int. Congr. Ent., Montreal. 1956 (1958). 4:443-47.
[89] Comel A. L’Istituto chimico-agrario sperimentale di Gorizia. 80 anni di sperimentazione agraria. Nuovi Ann. Ist. chim. agr. sper. Gorizia. 1950. 1:1-250.
[90] Conte A., Levrat D. Grasserie des vers à soie. C.R. Ass. franç. Av. Sci. 1906. 35(part 2):529-33.
[91] Cornalia E. Monografia del bombice del gelso (Bombyx mori Linneo). Mem. Ist. lombardo. 1856. 6:3-387.
[92] Dasgupta B., Ray H. N. The intranuclear inclusions in the mid-gut of the larva of Anopheles subpictus. Parasitology. 1957. 47:194-95. DOI: 10.1017/S0031182000021909 [CrossRef]
[93] Day M. F., Farrant J. L., Potter Coralie. Stages in the development of a polyhedral virus disease. J. appl. Phys. 1955. 26:1396
[94] De M. N. Grasserie in silk-worms. Agric. J. India. 1911. 6:292-95.
[95] Dikasova E. T. Investigation of mulberry silkworm egg mass obtained from the moths affected with yellow disease. Microbiology [Moscow]. 1949. 18:356-60.
[96] Dirks C. O. Population studies of the European spruce sawfly in Maine as affected by natural enemies. J. econ. Ent. 1944. 37:238-42.
[97] Dowden P. B. Biological control of forest insects in the United States and Canada. J. For. 1957. 55:723-26.
[98] Dowden P. B., Girth H. B. Use of a virus disease to control the European spruce sawfly. J. econ Ent. 1953. 46:525-26.
[99] Drilhon A. Identification chromatographique et chimique d’une substance fluorescente du sang et du tube de Malpighi de la larve Bombyx mori atteinte de grasserie. C.R. Acad. Sci. [Paris]. 1951. 232:1876-78.
[100] Drilhon A., Vago C., Busnel R.-G. Essai de diagnostic précoce de la grasserie et de la flacherie par l’analyse chromatographique du sang de Bombyx mori. C.R. Soc. Biol. [Paris]. 1952. 146:11-12.
[101] Duhamel Colette. Étude de la sensibilité héréditaire à l’anhydride carbonique chez la drosophile. Description de quelques variants du virus. C.R. Acad. Sci. [Paris]. 1954. 239:1157-9.
[102] Duhamel Colette, Plus Nadine. Phénomène d’interférence entre deux variants du virus de la drosophile. C.R. Acad. Sci. [Paris]. 1956. 242:1540-3.
[103] Duspiva F., Bergold G. H. Über Peptidase- und Phosphatasebestimmungen im Nonnen-Polyedervirus. Naturwissenschaften. 1942. 30:604-5. DOI: 10.1007/BF01488227 [CrossRef]
[104] Ertogroul T. Emploi de la lumière de Wood dans le diagnostic précoce de la grasserie des vers à soie. C.R. Acad. Sci. [Paris]. 1928. 186:1865-7.
[105] Ertogroul T. Influence favorisante de l’alimentation aux feuilles de murier noir (Morus nigra) sur le developpement de la grasserie du ver à soie. C.R. Soc. Biol. [Paris]. 1928. 99:831-2.
[106] Escherich K. Nonnenprobleme. Naturw. Z. Forst- u. Landw. 1912. 10:65-85.
[107] Escherich K. Neues über Polyederkrankheiten. Referierendes und Kritisches. Naturw. Z. Forst- u. Landw. 1913. 11:86-97.
[108] Escherich K. Polyederkrankheiten. Die Forstinsekten Mitteleuropas. Parey, Berlin. 1914. 1:299-303.
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[111] Eto M. Dissolution of polyhedral protein in alcohol by trichloroacetic acid. Sci. Bull. Fac. Agric. Kyushu Univ. 1956. 15:465-71.
[112] Eto M. Behaviour of polyhedral bodies and host cells of silkworms in alcohol. J. Fac. Agric. Kyushu Univ. 1956. 10:373-84.
[113] Faulkner P., Bergold G. H. Deoxyribonuclease content of an insect virus. Virology. 1957. 3:603-5. DOI: 10.1016/0042-6822(57)90014-4 [CrossRef]
[114] Fischer E. Über die reiffschen Flacherie-Versuche mit der “gipsy moth” (Liparis dispar L.). Ent. Z. [Stuttgart]. 1910. 24:47-8.
[115] Forbes S. A. Note on a new disease of the army worm (Leucania unipuncta Haworth) 1898. pp.106-9. 20th Rep. St. Ent., Illinois
[116] Francke-Grosmann H. Ein Schimmelpilz als Gelegenheitsparasit der Seidenraupe. Proc. 7th int. Congr. Ent., Berlin. 1938 (1939). 3:1762-71.
[117] Franz J. Erfolgreiche Verbreitung von Viruskrankheiten zur Forstschädlingsbekämpfung. Bericht über neuere kanadische Arbeiten. Z. PflKrankh. 1951. 58:185-7.
[118] Franz J. Erfolgreiche Verbreitung einer Virusseuche zur biologischen Bekämpfung der roten Kiefernbuschhornblattwespe. Gesunde Pflanzen. 1954. 6:173-5.
[119] Franz J. Neue Wege der biologischen Schädlingsbekämpfung. Umschau. 1955. 55:209-11.
[120] Franz J. Die künstliche Verbreitung von Virosen einiger Blattwespen (Diprionidae) innerhalb und ausserhalb ihres Endemiegebietes. Zool. Anz. Suppl. 1956. 19:407-12.
[121] Franz J. Biological control in Germany. Proc. 10th int. Congr. Ent., Montreal. 1956 (1958). 4:461-4.
[122] Franz J. Bibliographie über biologische Bekämpfung. II. Entomophaga. 1957. 2:293-311. DOI: 10.1007/BF02373600 [CrossRef]
[123] Franz J. Viruskrankheiten zur Bekämpfung schädlicher Blattwespen. (Ein Aufruf). Allg. Forstz. 1958. 15:215
[124] Franz J., Krieg A. Virosen europäischer Forstinsekten. Z. PflKrankh. 1957. 64:1-9.
[125] Franz J., Krieg A., Langenbuch R. Untersuchungen über den Einfluss der Passage durch den Darm von Raubinsekten und Vögeln auf die Infektiosität insektenpathogener Viren. Z. PflKrankh. 1955. 62:721-6.
[126] Franz J., Niklas O. F. Feldversuche zur Bekämpfung der roten Kiefernbuschhornblattwespe Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffr.) durch künstliche Verbreitung einer Virusseuche. NachrBl. dtsch. PflSchDienst [Stuttgart]. 1954. 6:131-4.
[127] Fyg W. Ueber die krankhafte Drohnenbrütigkeit der Bienenkönigin und ihre Ursache. Schweiz. Bienenztg. 1948. 71:520-9.
[128] Fyg W. On the various causes of sterility in the queen honeybee 1951. p.6. Act. 14th Congr. int. Apic., Leamington. Mimeo.
[129] Fyg W. Sind die Drohnen die Überträger der krankhaften Drohnenbrütigkeit der Bienenkönigin?. Schweiz. Bienenztg. 1955. 78:201-4.
[130] Fyg W. Über die verschiedenen Ursachen der Drohnenbrütigkeit. Schweiz. Bienenztg. 1957. 80:154-7. 187-92.
[131] Fyg W. Über die normale und abnorme Entwicklung der Honigbiene. Schweiz. Bienenztg. 1958. 81:147-54. 194-200, 345-55, 387-98. (English translation in Bee World 40 57-66, 85-96; 1959.)
[132] Gabler H. Nonnenmassenvermehrung und -bekämpfung im Gebiet Marienbad (Mari-anske Lazne)-Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary) in den Jahren 1940 und 1941. Arch. Forstw. 1958. 7:729-35.
[133] Gargiulo F. Nuove ricerche sul giallume del baco da seta. Trattamenti immunizzanti. Boll. Lab. Zool. agr. Bachic. Milano. 1930-31. 3:34-52.
[134] Gargiulo F. Ulteriori ricerche sul giallume del baco da seta. Trattamenti immunizzanti. Boll. Lab. Zool. agr. Bachic. Milano. 1931-32. 4:103-12.
[135] Gershenson S. The nature of intranuclear inclusions of polyhedral diseases of insects. C.R. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S. 1955. 104:925-28.
[136] Glaser R. W. The growth of insect blood cells in vitro. Psyche [Camb., Mass.]. 1917. 24:1-7. DOI: 10.1155/1917/67649 [CrossRef]
[137] Glaser R. W., Rivers T. M. Virus diseases of insects. Part I. Sacbrood of honey bees. Part II. The polyhedral diseases. Filterable Viruses. 1928. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins Co. p. 277-331.
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