Report on diagnoses of diseased insects 1944-1950
Edward A. SteinhausAuthor Affiliations
Edward A. Steinhaus was Associate Professor of Insect Pathology and Associate Insect Pathologist in the Experiment Station, Berkeley.Publication Information
Hilgardia 20(22):629-678. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v20n22p629. May 1951.
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This paper presents a general and summarized report on the diagnoses of 575 accessions of dead and diseased insects, plus 27 accessions of healthy insects examined for symbiotes, received at the Laboratory of Insect Pathology, Division of Biological Control, in Berkeley between August 1, 1944 and December 31, 1950.
Among the microorganisms observed in or isolated from the insects submitted for diagnosis were found several apparently new species of viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and symbiotes, some of which are reported here for the first time. Included in this report are the principal results obtained while conducting small research projects originating with some of the accessions. The findings include: observation of several new as well as several previously recognized virus infections, results of an attempt to grow insect viruses in embryonated hen’s eggs, reisolation and redetermination of the bacterium responsible for widespread epizootics among grasshoppers, a revaluation of the pathogenic effects of so-called Bacillus “C” for scale insects, new host and locality data for several important entomogenous fungi and protozoa, and new and important records regarding certain intracellular and caecal symbiotes of insects.
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