Inheritance of resistance to hydrocyanic acid fumigation in the California red scale
R. C. DicksonAuthor Affiliations
R. C. Dickson was Laboratory Assistant in Entomology in the Experiment Station.Publication Information
Hilgardia 13(9):513-522. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v13n09p513. January 1941.
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About 1914, the California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Mask.), was first observed to have become difficult to kill by hydrocyanic acid fumigation in a small district at Corona, California (Quayle, 1938), p. 187).
Since that time, resistance of red scale to fumigation has increased throughout many of the citrus areas of southern California.In 1936, the two recognized strains of red scale, “resistant” and “nonresistant,” were obtained from Corona and Glendora, California, respectively, and were grown in separate insectproof rooms in the insectary at the Citrus Experiment Station. Banana squash and, later, grapefruits were infested from these stocks at intervals of approximately six months and fumigated to determine whether these strains would maintain their difference in susceptibility to HCN. Preliminary results (Quayle, 1938) showed that the differences were maintained through several generations; later results have confirmed this (Lindgren, 1941) and show that resistance to fumigation is inherited.
The experiment described in this paper was conducted to determine how resistance to HCN fumigation is inherited in the red scale.
Review of Literature
(Hough (1928)), working with two strains of codling moth which differed in their ability to enter arsenic-sprayed apples, crossed the two strains and found the F1 hybrids intermediate between the parental strains in this regard. Later he reported (Hough, 1929) that the F1 hybrids from the reciprocal crosses were similar and that the F2 resembled the F1. By 1934 he had carried the progeny of both crosses to the F10 and still found them similar and intermediate between the parental strains (Hough, 1934). F5 moths from these crosses were backcrossed with each parental strain, and in each case the resulting progeny were found to approach, but not to be identical with, the introduced parental strain in ability to enter arsenic-sprayed fruit.
Literature Cited
Gough H. C. Factors affecting the resistance of the flour beetle, Tribolium confusum Duv., to hydrogen cyanide. Ann. Appl. Biol. 1939. 26:533-71. DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7348.1939.tb06988.x [CrossRef]
Henking H. Untersuchungen über die ersten Entwicklungsvorgänge in den Eiern der Insekten. II. Über Spermatogenese und deren Beziehung zur Eientwicklung bei Pyrrhocoris apterus L. Ztschr. f. Wiss. Zool. 1891. 51:685-736. (Original not seen by this author; cited by Schrader, 1928.)
Hough Walter S. Relative resistance to arsenical poisoning of two codling moth strains. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1928. 21:325-29.
Hough Walter S. Studies of the relative resistance to arsenical poisoning of different strains of codling-moth larvae. Jour. Agr. Res. 1929. 38:245-56.
Hough Walter S. Colorado and Virginia strains of codling moth in relation to their ability to enter sprayed and unsprayed apples. Jour. Agr. Res. 1934. 48:533-53.
Lindgren D. L. Factors influencing the results of fumigation of the California red scale. Hilgardia. 1941. 13(9):491-511. DOI: 10.3733/hilg.v13n09p513 [CrossRef]
Quayle H. J. The development of resistance to hydrocyanic acid in certain scale insects. Hilgardia. 1938. 11(5):183-210. DOI: 10.3733/hilg.v13n09p513 [CrossRef]
Schrader Franz. The sex chromosomes. 1928. Berlin: Gebrüder Borntraeger. 194p.
Snedecor G. W. Statistical methods. 1937. Ames, Iowa: Collegiate Press, Inc. 341p. DOI: 10.1097/00010694-195702000-00023 [CrossRef]
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Factors influencing the results of fumigation of the California red scale