University of California

Vitamin-A deficiency in turkeys


W. R. Hinshaw
W. E. Lloyd

Authors Affiliations

W. R. Hinshaw was Associate Veterinarian in the Experiment Station; W. E. Lloyd was Associate Poultry Husbandman in the Experiment Station.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 8(9):281-304. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v08n09p281. September 1934.

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Abstract does not appear. First page follows.

Losses from obscure causes on certain California turkey ranges, where green feed is limited during much of the growing season, suggested the need for studies on vitamin-A deficiency in turkeys. The experiments reported herein were outlined to determine the possible relation of A-avitaminosis4 to turkey mortality and to obtain information concerning the effect on turkeys of various vitamin-A levels.

A-avitaminosis in chickens has been fully described by Beach(1), Emmett and Peacock?(3), Seifried(10), Elvehjem and Neu(4), and many other investigators, so that the pathological changes in chickens are well established. Chicks were included in one experiment as a control on the methods used and as a basis for comparing A-avitaminosis in the two species.

Scott and Hughes(9), using yellow corn as the source of vitamin A, showed that turkeys required more vitamin A than did chickens.

This paper is concerned chiefly with the disease phases of the problem. Because published data on the vitamin-A requirements of turkeys are limited, the results on the comparative value of dehydrated alfalfa-leaf meal for turkeys and chickens are also included. Certain vitamin-A liver storage data collected in connection with the experiments have already been published by Guilbert and Hinshaw.(6)

Literature Cited

[1] Beach J. R. Studies on a nutritional disease of poultry caused by vitamin A deficiency. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 1924. 378:1-24. http://archive.org/details/studiesonnutriti378beac

[2] Carr F. H., Price E. A. Color reactions attributed to vitamin A. Biochem. Jour. [Brit.]. 1926. 20:497-501.

[3] Emmett A. D., Peacock Gail. Does the chick require the fat-soluble vitamins?. Jour. Biol. Chem. 1923. 56: p. 679-693.

[4] Elvehjem C. A., Neu V. F. Studies in vitamin A avitaminosis in the chick. Jour. Biol. Chem. 1932. 97:71-82.

[5] Green Meridian Ruth. The effects of vitamins A and D on antibody production and resistance to infection. Amer. Jour. Hygiene. 1933. 17:60-101.

[6] Guilbert H. R., Hinshaw W. R. Vitamin A storage in the livers of turkeys and chickens. Jour. Nutrition. 1934. 8:45-56.

[7] Hinshaw W. R. Moniliasis (thrush) in turkeys and chickens. 1933. Rept. Proc. Fifth World’s Poultry Congress (paper 97), Rome, Italy

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[11] Turner R. G., Loew E. R. Infection of accessory sinuses in vitamin A deficiency. Jour. Infect. Dis. 1933. 52:102-120. DOI: 10.1093/infdis/52.1.102 [CrossRef]

Hinshaw W, Lloyd W. 1934. Vitamin-A deficiency in turkeys. Hilgardia 8(9):281-304. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v08n09p281
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