Some nutritional aspects in mottle-leaf and other physiological diseases of citrus
A. R. C. HaasAuthor Affiliations
A. R. C. Haas was Associate Plant Physiologist in the Experiment Station, Riverside.Publication Information
Hilgardia 6(15):483-559. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v06n15p483. April 1932.
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One of the chief purposes in the growing of citrus in artificial cultures is to help to interpret the growth of citrus in the field. The factors involved in the field are often too complex or too numerous to allow cause and effect to be distinguished, and even in artificial cultures with soil the results may not be easy to interpret.
The growth of citrus in sand or solution cultures, while frequently reducing the number of factors involved, requires first of all a knowledge of how to grow healthy citrus over a period of years instead of days or weeks. There is as yet no reproducible standard citrus plant for a given environment. Through the shortcomings in efforts to adjust the environment to obtain healthy growth, knowledge is frequently acquired concerning physiological disease.
The physiology of citrus is far from being understood. It is believed that the system that connects the leaves with the rootlets and soil is very complex. The intermediate root, trunk, and twigs have important functions interrelated with both extremities of the tree. In the present paper attention has been given mainly to the producing of symptoms, without stressing the complexity of the systems involved. It is hoped that further difficulties in the growing of healthy citrus under controlled conditions over long periods of time will add stimulus in overcoming and eventually understanding the difficulties.
Some of the more important physiological diseases of citrus are mottle-leaf, chlorosis, salt or tipburn, deficiency effects, and many others. Mottle-leaf is by far the most important of these and perhaps the most baffiing in its causes and control. Among the many possible explanations of mottle-leaf in citrus are an inadequate supply of nitrogen, an excess of nitrogen, lack of humus, deficiencies of certain elements, toxic minerals in soils and irrigation water, and organic soil toxins. Some of these nutritional aspects in physiological diseases of citrus form the basis of the present paper.
Method of Growing Citrus Cultures
Solutions Employed.—In solution cultures with cuttings the solution employed by Hoagland has been, with slight modification, extensively used in these experiments.
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